Connecting and inspiring citizens to create a better community

Taking An Active Role
Is a wise investment in your community
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Taking An Active Role

Is a wise investment in your community

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Community Data
Bringing the community of Sarasota together
See The 2011 Report

Community Data

Bringing the community of Sarasota together

See The 2011 Report

Invest in Your Community
Bringing the community of Sarasota together
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Invest in Your Community

Bringing the community of Sarasota together

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Welcome to SCOPE

SCOPE's mission is to connect and inspire citizens to create a better community. SCOPE provides opportunities where all citizens' voices are welcomed and heard. SCOPE brings together residents, business owners, government officials and organizations to listen, learn, and discuss issues that impact the quality of life in Sarasota County. SCOPE focuses on possibilities and the power of active citizens to create a better community. SCOPE stands for Sarasota County Openly Plans for Excellence.


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